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English Conversation in the evening (B1/B2)

Mittelstufe B1/ B2 Anyone who is interested in improving their English conversation skills in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere is welcome to this course. You don’t have to be perfect or very eloquent to join. All you need is motivation and a little bit of courage to speak. We will focus on talking and reading in English and discuss grammar topics when necessary. Working materials including articles about current topics, news, British and American culture and anything that corresponds to your wishes.


Für dieses Angebot sind folgende Durchführungen bekannt:
Termin Preis Ort Bemerkungen
19.02.2024 - 24.06.2024 94 €
Hochfellnstr. 16
83209 Prien

Dozenten: Arlt, Gina-Maria
Veranstaltungszeit(en): 19:30 - 20:30
Veranstaltungsstätte: Prien, vhs, Hochfellnstr. 16, 2. OG Raum 1
Weitere Informationen zum Kurs finden Sie auf unserer Webseite.